What can I expect my child to learn at Pristine ?
Our children learn how to learn. At Pristine we emphasize on learning through all five senses not just through listening, watching and reading. Through this active engagement they discover the joy of learning. We realize the importance of each child’s early experiences in the formation of an emotionally healthy, responsible adult. We see our role as nurturing the immense potential within each child, and supporting the task of inner development.
What makes Pristine Unique ?
The vision of the Directress is the driving force behind what we do and how we do it. We strongly believe that our child’s learning environment should resemble the home in comfort, safety and warmth. This will allow your child to develop a sense of trust, independence and the self confidence that he/she will come to rely on in later years. Children thrive at Pristine, which provide plenty of attention, affection, rich language experience, playful interaction in addtion to its unique “Educare Programme”
What is Educare Programme ?
Education has two aspects; the first is related to external and wordly education, which is acquiring bookish knowledge. In the modern world, we find many well versed and highly qualified in this aspect. The second aspect known as ‘Educare’ is related to human values. The word ‘educare’ means bring out that is within. We at Little Friends provide a total child development by blending the two aspects of education in the most appropriate manner to give your child “A Firm Foundation for Life”